Profound Titanium Jewelry

Profound Titanium Jewelry
Titanium druzy comes from human high-tech enhancement of natural druzy gemstones. A druzy is a colored mineral gemstone such as agate, garnet, calcite, carnelian, hematite or pyrite that shows a sparkly surface texture. Druzy gemstones, according to gemstone dealer Maxam Magnata, get their unique sparkle from thousands of tiny quartz crystals covering their surface like newly fallen snow. Druzy gemstones are graded by color saturation, crystal size, crystal coverage of the specimen and number of visible cracks and other flaws.

Depositing the metal titanium on a Druzy stone produces a range of blue colors from an iridescent blue-white through a range of increasingly deeper blue shades to a royal purple, says Maxam Magnata. Druzy stones may be coated with other metals such as cobalt, gold, silver or platinum to create different color effects.

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